3rd Fermentation-Enabled Alternative Protein Summit Europe Steigenberger Airport Hotel, Schiphol
Welcome to the 3rd Fermentation-Enabled Alternative Protein Summit Europe
Unlock Biomass and Precision Fermentation’s Power to Bring
Alternative Proteins to Market at Scale
The 3rd Fermentation-Enabled Alternative Protein Summit Europe is your flagship forum to cut through the noise.
With European governments recently committing more than €400 million to feed the future sustainably, now is this time to capitalise on this momentum to develop the next generation of differentiated functional, nutritious, and commercially scalable proteins.
We will welcome 200+ industry stakeholders from investors to innovative start-ups, established players, and strategic partners to tackle the end-to-end technical challenges of bringing precision and biomass protein products and ingredients to market.
That’s why the likes of Unilever’s Biotechnology Manager, The Protein Brewery’s Chief Executive Officer, Deep Branch Bio’s Chief Executive Officer, and The Good Food Institute’s Policy Officer are sharing their technical developments and research with you to build a more sustainable food system.
Seize the opportunity to join industry pioneers this July as we carve out the future of fermentation-enabled alternative proteins in Europe.

Drug Developer - Focus Day Only: EUR 1198.00, Drug Developer - Conference Only: EUR 2799.00, Drug Developer - Conference + Focus Day: EUR 3797.00, Academic - Focus Day Only: EUR 998.00, Academic - Conference Only: EUR 2399.00, Academic - Conference + Focus Day: EUR 3197.00, Vendor - Conference Only: EUR 3399.00, Vendor - Conference + Focus Day: EUR 4597.00